vendor booth full of brightly colored dresses

Health and Safety Precautions at NEAC Shows

As always, the health and safety of our NEAC community is our top priority. We wanted to share with you the extra measures we are taking to promote healthy practices and social distancing at NEAC events.

In order to support the health and safety of our buyers, reps and staff, we have enacted new measures for our shows that will continue for the foreseeable future. These measures will include mandatory mask requirements and a daily temperature check for each person entering the venue. These efforts are based on CDC recommendations, local department of health requirements, and best practices laid out by the tradeshow industry. Learn more about the CDC Guidelines that serve as the basis for our procedures here.

Guidelines for Buyers & Reps

  1. Medical masks or cloth face coverings will be required. These masks or coverings must be worn at all times throughout the building common areas except while eating in designated locations. If a buyer arrives without a mask, NEAC will provide one. Masks must cover the nose and mouth and may be reusable fabric or three-ply disposable masks.
  2. Every person entering the show will be screened once a day for an elevated temperature prior to entering the show floor – this includes buyers, reps, and staff. Anyone with a temperature above 100 will be escorted to a waiting area and screened a second time. Anyone with a consistently elevated temperature will not be allowed into the show.
  3. Anyone who has been in contact with anyone ill in the last 14 days, who is feeling ill themselves, or who has symptoms should not enter the show floor. Please view the symptoms, as identified by the CDC, here.
  4. Social distancing guidelines will be strictly enforced including the following:
    • Observe a six-foot distance between yourself and others, especially at registration;
    • Buyers, please pre-register here so we can have your badge ready for you and minimize lines at registration;
    • Respect social distancing in restrooms;
    • Wash hands frequently and/or use hand sanitizer supplied at stations through the venue.

NEAC Staff and Venue Requirements

  1. All NEAC staff will wear protective masks or face covering.
  2. All NEAC staff will be temperature checked daily and will be regularly screened for signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19 and will be sent home for quarantine if exhibiting any symptoms.
  3. Staff entering the facility will wash hands and/or sanitize hands.
  4. Anyone who has been in contact with anyone ill in the last 14 days, who is feeling ill themselves, or who has symptoms should not enter the show floor. Please view the symptoms, as identified by the CDC, here.
  5. All staff will observe social distancing of at least 6 feet.
  6. We will not be offering traditional lunches. Individually pre-packaged foods and beverages will be available for purchase.
  7. The venue – managed by Hilton – is offering enhanced daily cleaning protocols both in the show venue, and in guest rooms. You can learn more about them here.

NEAC is committed to offering peace of mind while opening up for business. We look forward to welcoming you to a show very soon!