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Social Media & Tradeshows: How the Two Can Work Together

It’s no secret that social media has, in many ways, changed how we as a society interact with one another. But social networks have also had an intensely powerful impact on how we do business. From a business perspective, there are both positive and negative developments that can be associated with the rise of social media.

One undeniable benefit of social media for product designers and makers is that the networks have given them the ability to connect with buyers in a much more direct way than they ever could before. Building “followings” of retailers and potential buyers ensures your products get seen, and your brand identity grows. That’s one of the reasons why social media is a crucial tool to help companies maximize their trade show experience.

Social Media Can Build Anticipation for Your Company’s Trade Show Appearance

If your company is a unique and independent vendor that has plans to attend a wholesale show at some point in the future, you should use your social media profile to inform your audience beforehand. Generate excitement for the event by posting updates on products you intend to display, and even get feedback directly from your audience.

One sure-fire to generate buzz before your appearance at a wholesale show is to announce, across all your social channels, that you’ll be releasing and displaying a new product at the event. This is sure to catch the attention of retailers, and it might even generate widespread buzz throughout the industry.

Your Company can Direct Online Traffic to Your Social Media Pages

Before the day of the event, it’s essential to comb through your social media channels and ensure they’re up to date and organized properly. Add updated profile pictures, your company’s most recent product releases, and ensure all your different social profiles are consistent and identifiable.

When at the event, direct the people you meet, whether its potential retailers, partners, or other types of buyers, to follow you on social media. This is not only a great way to market your company, it’s also a great way to connect directly with a larger audience in the future.

Another benefit of connecting on social media with those you meet at a wholesale show is that it allows for opportunities to do some market and competitor research. Take a look at the social profiles of some of your competitors. See what’s working for them and what isn’t, then incorporate those lessons into your own company strategy.

Stay in Touch With Potential Partners After the Show

While wholesale shows can be great for generating immediate business, much of the value of these events can be found within the relationships that get built. In the past, the most effective way to stay in touch with those you meet was to exchange business cards. Now, email lists and social media connections are king.

One of the great things about social media is how its users are constantly active. This is helpful for companies because it gives them insight into the changing tastes and trends of consumers. By connecting with potential buyers on your social media platforms, you can be sure they’ll see your updates and new products long after the event is over.

Social media and tradeshows really are a perfect match. A savvy company will utilize both wholesale shows and social profiles to display the value of their company’s products to potential buyers. Follow the tips in this blog to ensure your social media marketing aligns flawlessly, and naturally, with your wholesale-show strategy.